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Neilla Jenkins


Year and Subject:

I'm studying psychology and going into my second year as an undergraduate.

Why I wanted to join BSL Society?

Realising the absence of a d/Deaf community here on campus where d/Deaf issues, culture and awareness can have a platform, the growing costs of BSL courses and the inability to practice BSL really made me want to create this society with the lovely Revati. Now having the incredible committee we do, I'm so excited to continue learning BSL, have so much fun, become more educated and Deaf aware and to create such a tight knit community too.

What one item I would take on a desert island?

I would bring a bucket and spade- may as well enjoy my time with my non existent survival skills. 

Favourite sign?

My favourite sign is "festival".

Revati "Rave" Bannatti


Year and Subject:

BSc Psychology Second year

Why I wanted to join BSL Society?

I loved learning the basic signs and realised that the university didn't already have a society for BSL. I'm looking forward to creating a fun environment where people can learn and meet new people. It'll be great to spread awareness about the d/Deaf community and culture and hopefully create more accessibility on campus

What one item I would take on a desert island?

Toilet roll.

Favourite sign?

My favourite sign is "popcorn".

Session Coordinator 
Emily Birkett

Session Coordinator 
Katie Foster


Year and Subject:

Third year anthropology and sociology

Why I wanted to join BSL Society?

 I wanted to join the BsL society to develop my own skills and spread the fun and importance of BSL. Super excited to get to know lots of lovely people and be a part of an active community at a time when it is especially important! 

What one item I would take on a desert island?

On an island I would take my dog and rabbits... no... I wouldn’t eat them!!! I‘d just miss them too much otherwise that’s all!

Favourite sign?



Year and Subject:

Second year in Liberal Art

Why I wanted to join BSL Society?

I started learning BSL 4 years ago and I've fallen in love with it. The language and culture is beautiful and being able to share it with the Hearing world is so much fun 

What one item I would take on a desert island?

I'd probably bring a sharp knife so I can cut down the trees to make fire wood. Or a blanket.

Favourite sign?

The sign for "doesn't matter"!


Social Secretary 
Siân Davies

Year and Subject:

Third year BSc Sociology

Why I wanted to join BSL Society?

 I wanted to join BSL society because I think it’s such an important way to improve social inclusion and bring people together across campus and wider communities.

What one item I would take on a desert island?

I would definitely take dark chocolate digestives on an island with me because I don’t know how I’d live without them.

Favourite sign?

My favourite sign is "penguin"!

Social Secretary 
Sophie Prestwich 

Year and Subject:

Psychology 3rd year

Why I wanted to join BSL Society?

I think it is an overlooked language and wanted to begin to learn it in a supportive relaxed environment.

What one item I would take on a desert island?

My radio (hoping I had signal) as I am a loyal BBC Radio 1 listener!

Favourite sign?

My favourite sign is "Gold"


Publicity Manager
Lauren Levers-Claridge

Year and Subject:

Applied psychology third year

Why I wanted to join BSL Society?

 I do a lot of work with special needs children so I wanted to improve upon my sign language skills whilst spreading awareness for something I'm super passionate about. I also can't wait to meet loads of new people through this amazing society! :)

What one item I would take on a desert island?

Bear Grylls, of course!

Favourite sign?


General Secretary
Veronica Legiec


Year and Subject:

Second Year Politics and IR

Why I wanted to join BSL Society?

 I wanted to join the BSL Soc as I would like to see the University become more inclusive and to spread awareness as well as learning the Sign Language myself. 

What one item I would take on a desert island?

Sunscreen so I don’t get wrinkles (lol)

Favourite sign?

 The sign for "Bee"!


Welfare Officer
Alice Hilton

Year and Subject:

Third year geography.

Why I wanted to join BSL Society?

I’m really looking forward to raising awareness and teaching others BSL whilst also improving on my signing.

What one item I would take on a desert island?

Favourite sign?


Mathilda Hobbis

Year and Subject:

I study History with Proficiency in Applied Data Analysis and am in my third year.

Why I wanted to join BSL Society?

I wanted to join BSL as my best friend's parents and sisters are deaf, and have always wished I could know more BSL to communicate more effectively with them. This drove me to join BSL so I could help spread awareness of BSL among the non-deaf community.

What one item I would take on a desert island?

One thing I would take on an island with me would have to be my phone as it has all my pictures on it, although doubt there would much service on the island!

Favourite sign?

My favourite sign is the sign for 'drink' as is one that I have unintentionally started doing every time I ask for a drink because of my friend! 


Blog Coordinator
Sophie Wellington

Year and Subject:

3rd Year English

Why I wanted to join BSL Society?

I'm really looking forward to be a part of this society and help create a friendly community where we learn BSL and about d/Deaf culture together.

What one item I would take on a desert island?

I would bring Bear Grylls to a desert island.

Favourite sign?

My favourite sign is "thunder".

Blog Coordinator
Eleanor Langham

Year and Subject:

Third year French and Russian.

Why I wanted to join BSL Society?

As a beginner learning BSL I am very much looking forward to the opportunity to learn more about the d/Deaf community through the society and my research, and aim to use this to spread awareness and open conversation in the blog and hopefully in person too! I can’t wait to meet you all!

What one item I would take on a desert island?

Favourite sign?



Thanks for getting in touch!

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